The Club Penguin Experience Privacy Policy

The Club Penguin Experience is committed to providing a fun, entertaining, and safe Web site for people of all ages. We are dedicated to safeguarding any personal information collected on-line and to helping parents and children learn how to exercise control over personal information while exploring the Internet. We ensure that our privacy policy and our information practices adhere to the U.S. Department of Commerce's Safe Harbor Principles and the Canadian Code of Practice. Because many of the visitors to this site are children, we take care that our content is suitable for children. In addition, we take special measures to help children protect their privacy while on-line. For example, we do not ask children to disclose more personal information than is necessary for them to participate in a particular activity, and we take efforts to prevent children from posting contact information.

To help ensure a rewarding on-line experience for our visitors - and for the parents of our visitors who are children - we provide you with this summary of our information practices.

As we continue to offer our visitors new and different types of content and services, we may modify our practices from time to time. However, we will treat all personal information we collect in accordance with the privacy notice in effect at the time the information is collected.

I. The Information We Collect

At The Club Penguin Experience, the only personally identifiable information we collect from users 12 years old and younger is a parents valid e-mail address. And, we ONLY use this information to send these users one message to activate their The Club Penguin Experience account.
The Club Penguin Experience requires users 13 years and older to enter either their or their parent or guardian’s valid e-mail address in order to activate their account.

For some of our on-line activities-such as polls or surveys-we may ask users to provide additional information that is not personally identifiable, such as country of residence or a visitor's favorite color.

We do not knowingly collect names and e-mail addresses from children under 13. We always require children under 13 to use a parent or guardians email address instead.
Additionally, when visitors come to our site, we automatically collect some non-personally identifiable "computer" information, such as the type of computer operating system (e.g., Windows XP or Mac OS), the user's "IP Address", the web browser (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer) being used, and information regarding the Internet service provider.

II. How We Use the Information

We have created an internal news system that allows us to communicate with the players without sending them information to their personal email address. We do not keep any personal information we obtain beyond the time it is needed. Sometimes we use a visitor's email address to track usage and to ensure users are following the site's Terms and Conditions.

We sometimes use the non-personally identifiable information that we collect to improve the design and content of our site, to personalize our visitors' experience on The Club Penguin Experience, and to offer products, programs, and services. We also may use this information in the aggregate to analyze site usage, as well as to offer products, programs, or services.

We will disclose information we maintain when required to do so by law, for example, in response to a court order or a subpoena. We also may disclose such information in response to a law enforcement agency's or other public agency's (including schools or children services) request or if we feel that such disclosure may prevent the instigation of a crime.

We will not use or transfer personally identifiable information in ways that are materially different from the ones described above without also providing parental notification of such practices and obtaining consent for any materially different uses.

III. Collection of Information for Third-Party Sites and Sponsors

The Club Penguin Experience is proud of the fact that we do not allow third-party companies to solicit or advertise to our users. Our intention is to keep The Club Penguin Experience free from any sort of direct advertising.

IV. Cookies

The Club Penguin Experience uses a software technology called "cookies." Cookies are small text files that we place in visitors' computer browsers to store their preferences. Cookies themselves do not contain any personally identifiable information. Although cookies could enable us to relate a visitor's use of this web site to personal information that a visitor has provided, such as an e-mail address, we do not use them for this purpose. We do use "cookies" to determine how many visitors we have and how often they visit various sections of our site.

V. Security

We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information we collect on-line.

VI. Parental Review of Information

Parents, please send a letter or postcard to our Privacy Manager at the mailing address provided below if you would like to do any of the following:

  • access the personally identifiable information that The Club Penguin Experience has collected on-line from your child,
  • correct factual errors in such information,
  • request to have this information deleted, or
  • request that we no longer collect or maintain such information.

Please be sure to include your e-mail address and a telephone number where we can reach you. To protect your child's privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to help verify your identity before granting you access to the personal information that we collect and maintain about your child.

VII. Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our privacy policy and/or practices, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

VIII. A Final Note to Parents

The Internet offers a world of opportunity for children. Your guidance and involvement are essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding on-line experience. We encourage you to visit the site and look through the “Kids Rules” section together. Your efforts to instill responsible information practices will help steer your children to age-appropriate sites and will go a long way toward ensuring that your children have enriching experiences on-line.

IX. Effective Date

The privacy policy set out above is effective as of April 14th 2024, and applies to all information previously obtained by The Club Penguin Experience. The Club Penguin Experience reserves the right to change its privacy policy at its sole discretion. The Club Penguin Experience users will be informed of any such change by The Club Penguin Experience posting a new privacy policy on the The Club Penguin Experience website. The effective date of any change of privacy policy will be clearly marked.

X. Third-Party Analytics

We utilize third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to collect non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our website. These tools may use cookies or other tracking technologies to gather data such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring/exit pages, and interactions with our website. This information is used to analyze trends, administer the website, track users' movements around the site, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. This data helps us understand and improve the user experience on our website. Google Analytics may also collect information about your online activities across websites that use its services. For more information about Google Analytics and how it collects and processes data, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy. You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on provided by Google. Additionally, you may choose to disable cookies on your browser, although this may affect your ability to access certain features of our website. By using our website, you consent to the processing of data about you by third-party analytics providers in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

If you have any questions please contact us.